Yukkuri ne~~~ Another Yukkuri moment, well I figured if I've got nothing to post, no artwork to update then let's have a relaxing moment instead. Don't worry I'm still going through all of my works, just a brief relaxing session to take the mind off. Just now I just made my final blog entry for two of my class/assignment blogs. I linked'em to this blog if anyone there still wanted to follow me on my daily updates. Though I'm a tad bit to late to link them here (yea about 8 months late) XD
Anyway, today's realaxing moment will be about a rant. Yes, I'm going to rant out to some people out there as a way to relax. XD
It's about flamers. Yea I know what you're thinking, we've got those a lot on the web and you shouldn't be bothered with them. That thinking is great and all but It'd be better if you can lessen the numbers of flamers and haters. Dude there is nothing wrong with having different opinion but go around hatin' people for it. Respect their views as they will respect yours.
Opinions don't have 'a' specific, right answers.
Opinions can be seen differently by everybody who is anybody.
Yet there's nothing to be mad about even if the answer (opinion) bugs you.
It's a opinion, not a fact. So come on let'em be, they say what they want and you say what you want but never argue with one another. Not to say you have to make friends with everybody but at least don't make everybody there your enemies, Am I right?
Here's an example of today's topic. Note that I've changed their names to respect their personal privacy, I don't agree much with making others look like a fool.

If you don't know what this is, it's a way of replying a comment. You'll see these often on 'Youtube'.
You see here is why we should avoid flaming others. Because we may end up seeing ourselves be what we said to them, it this case looking like a retard. I'm not saying that he/she is a retard, just saying he/she would've looked smarter if it was answered politely or kept quiet. That person even made a double post by mistake. ~_~
Owh, in case you're thinking that it could just be me editing the dialogue well the only thing I edited out is their names and 'one' (just 1) letter replacing the actual thing to avoid offensive language. And I think you know what letter it is. :D
Well that's it for now comments are appreciated, no flamers or haters please ;D
If you want to view my other blogs, previously done for my class assignment here's the link to it:
Owh well,

If you don't know what this is, it's a way of replying a comment. You'll see these often on 'Youtube'.
You see here is why we should avoid flaming others. Because we may end up seeing ourselves be what we said to them, it this case looking like a retard. I'm not saying that he/she is a retard, just saying he/she would've looked smarter if it was answered politely or kept quiet. That person even made a double post by mistake. ~_~
Owh, in case you're thinking that it could just be me editing the dialogue well the only thing I edited out is their names and 'one' (just 1) letter replacing the actual thing to avoid offensive language. And I think you know what letter it is. :D
I know that we can't try and change everyone to be good and all, but at least try not to make enemies. It won't look pretty. Don't overlook these little things as they could turn out to be a huge event, no doubt. A small step in prevention can do a long way, better than curing.
Well that's it for now comments are appreciated, no flamers or haters please ;D
If you want to view my other blogs, previously done for my class assignment here's the link to it:
If you're curious to see the difference between how I blog my work and my hobby then go check it out. If you're looking for a professional blogger than I'd suggest you look elsewhere because it'd probably burn your eyes. XD
Woah this post turn out really looongOwh well,
~Happy Yukkuring~ :D
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