
~ My happiness is your S.T.Y.L.E ~

Just smell that new coat of paint (if we can that is XD). Finally done with re-designing this blog. Nothing much here, all credit goes to the creator (or creators) of this template. Of all the templates I've tried, this was the best and it still is. It has that cool aroma kind of fell, you get what I mean. XD

Anyway, the only originality here is the top banner which I added my 'trademarks' (or you could call it markings XD). And of course the posts are still originally written by me. *ワ*
After putting up the template, most of my post were in order and not all messed up. It was a huge relief seeing it so. Though can't run from the fact that some still needs to be fixed here and there. The final touch-up was that I've messed around with the blog title's color. It started out as gray and didn't stand out quite well. And after changing the color code, red was the color that I could use. T_T ... Owh well, I'm sure those who follow me get idea who I am. And for those who just started, well you have to dig through my older post, sorry. ~_~

Sorry for the slow updates but I guess we can't all be perfect ;D
but it'll all pay off someday.
I've just realized that my upcoming semester break isn't just 2 weeks long, it's actually 4 weeks O_O
So get ready to see some MOAR artworks soon (hopefully XD). Don't worry, I'll try my best.
Thank you to those who follow me till this very day. Without you guys , this all wouldn't happen. And I hope you'll continue follow me on my work (And not as a stalker please :D)

Will update more works soon, and about that big project I spoke of in my previous post, I'll reveal it soon.
Till then TC* ~R90~

*TC means 'take care'


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Who Am I?

My photo
Hello. Just to let you know I am a G.I.R.L., which stands for 'Guy In Real Life'. XD (I'm serious.)
If you're wondering what does S.T.Y.L.E. means, then you're out of luck. Because I'm not telling ANYONE what it means. >D
But I can tell this, R90 is my initials. :D
That's all, see ya.
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