Haha, it's been a while since I've published about my artworks right?
Well today it's a bit different than what I normally post.
First things first, let me introduce you to...
'Chibi' drawing of Azelia, her first appearance.
Believe it or not I went through back some of my stuffs to be able to remember back who she was. I really am neglecting'em ~_~. Well, no worries, I'll get back on track as soon as all my works are done >)
This drawing was done a long time ago and just recently have I been able to color her. I plan out on coloring these kinds of drawings simply. So I figured, why not just start it with the basics.
The overall color scheme is done and I'm quite satisfied with it. If you're thinking she's a bit creepy to look at than yes, I agree. But remember, everything I post here is all work in progress, so she's creepy now, let's not hope she's still creepy looking once I'm done. XD
'Future' note: I just can't find or give her a well enough important role to play in as the story goes on. And now I officially declare her as the first 'undeveloped' character I've made. ~_~
Well that's it for SAI now on to flash, Yeah! >D
I'm not promising viewers that I'll be uploading videos anytime soon. I'd love to play around with flash animation and stuff, but for the time being for me it's just too time consuming.
Okay, that's enough info for today XD
Here's the flash video I promised. It's 6 second of what to become 30~40 seconds long animation. Assignment purposes and probably a test for making more animation (PROBABLY, not promising it or anything).
Note: I had to upload it on Youtube since uploading videos via blogger just couldn't be done (it was buggy and caused lots of problems).
Note 2: My Youtube channel is purposely, solely created to watch my favorite videos and channel and not to upload any video work. So if you're thinking of watching me make more videos than you're out of luck. But I'll inform it here if I ever decide to make any :D.
I'll try to upload the full length video once I'm done with it (Again, not promising this either) but, I'll 'really' try to. :D
And that's all for now. The description for this video (what's it about, etc) I won't be posting it up now. I'll post it when I'm about to upload the whole thing.
And if you're thinking that this is the big news/project I've been telling you about than the answer is no. :D
Don't worry about that. It'll come soon, and I'll show it when it's 100% done, though it won't be as amusing (If you're amused that is XD) as watching the animation (Maybe XD). But I'll definitely post it up when I'm done with it.
I'll be on my way ~R90~
Anyway, the only originality here is the top banner which I added my 'trademarks' (or you could call it markings XD). And of course the posts are still originally written by me. *ワ*
After putting up the template, most of my post were in order and not all messed up. It was a huge relief seeing it so. Though can't run from the fact that some still needs to be fixed here and there. The final touch-up was that I've messed around with the blog title's color. It started out as gray and didn't stand out quite well. And after changing the color code, red was the color that I could use. T_T ... Owh well, I'm sure those who follow me get idea who I am. And for those who just started, well you have to dig through my older post, sorry. ~_~
Sorry for the slow updates but I guess we can't all be perfect ;D
but it'll all pay off someday.
I've just realized that my upcoming semester break isn't just 2 weeks long, it's actually 4 weeks O_O
So get ready to see some MOAR artworks soon (hopefully XD). Don't worry, I'll try my best.
Thank you to those who follow me till this very day. Without you guys , this all wouldn't happen. And I hope you'll continue follow me on my work (And not as a stalker please :D)
Will update more works soon, and about that big project I spoke of in my previous post, I'll reveal it soon.
Till then TC* ~R90~
*TC means 'take care'
Blog under construction...
I'm making up some few repairs for all my blogs but mostly it's this one
Reorganizing some post and maybe redecorate the place.
Yesterday, since I got nothing to do (to lazy to do the assignments apparently ~_~) went through and experimented some stuff on this blog.
Going through some stuff on this blog, going to maybe rearrange a few blog post and maybe re-edit them
I just found a reaallly old 'intro' post that I was going to use for this blog. 'Was' is because it was never published and saved as draft. (Wonder why ~_~) Probably be the fact that I never did intend to get every job done (as always XD)
Okay back to work, let the renovation begin >D
Will edit it out as soon as I'm done tinkering with this blog
~R90 over & out~
-Edit- 20 April
It's been days since I last post something new. I'm currently really busy with all the assignment that I have to go through and it seems that It's going to be like this for a while. 2 more weeks then it's the semester break, yea *ワ*
My digital arts are still on the go. Since one of my assignment was to create few number of digital art, I can finish my work (hobby) while getting my assignment done (thank goodness ~_~).
And about upgrading this blog well I've been tinkering with the template I've downloaded. I won't be changing anything much, JUST the top, banner for the template. Redesigning it to my liking.
The template is done and uploaded, just need to apply the template's code. It won't be long ^_^
After that reedit the post so it'll suit the template then this construction officially be finished.
Till then this blog will undergo various changes and will announce the completion when it's fully~ done.
~R90 signing off~
Opinions can be seen differently by everybody who is anybody.
Yet there's nothing to be mad about even if the answer (opinion) bugs you.
It's a opinion, not a fact. So come on let'em be, they say what they want and you say what you want but never argue with one another. Not to say you have to make friends with everybody but at least don't make everybody there your enemies, Am I right?
If you don't know what this is, it's a way of replying a comment. You'll see these often on 'Youtube'.
You see here is why we should avoid flaming others. Because we may end up seeing ourselves be what we said to them, it this case looking like a retard. I'm not saying that he/she is a retard, just saying he/she would've looked smarter if it was answered politely or kept quiet. That person even made a double post by mistake. ~_~
Owh, in case you're thinking that it could just be me editing the dialogue well the only thing I edited out is their names and 'one' (just 1) letter replacing the actual thing to avoid offensive language. And I think you know what letter it is. :D
Well that's it for now comments are appreciated, no flamers or haters please ;D
If you want to view my other blogs, previously done for my class assignment here's the link to it:
If you're curious to see the difference between how I blog my work and my hobby then go check it out. If you're looking for a professional blogger than I'd suggest you look elsewhere because it'd probably burn your eyes. XD
Woah this post turn out really looongOwh well,
~Happy Yukkuring~ :D
Owh boy, it's been what, weeks probably since I update this blog. It's not that I've done nothing, it's just that I've got nothing to upload yet :D
Usually I'll update it to show weekly (is it?) progress but I guess I'm just too busy or stressed out to do it. Can't blame it on collage life, then I'll be blaming on it forever and it'll still won't get updated XD
Well it's 90% true, now I'm on a mid-semester break and assignments is what I'm currently occupied with. It's not like I've stopped my hobby for a brief moment, I could never do that :P. It's just that I haven't had enough time to finish-em up. And what makes the progress even slower is that I'm currently on halt with line arts and coloring'em up (and coloring isn't my thing) so and yea you get the idea ~_~
Aside from coloring, drawing and assignments, I'm also currently doing a big project that I'll upload it onto this blog as soon I'm done with it. So that's 3 stuff I've got to get through. Actually, assignments will be done and the rest won't be a bothersome, owh well :D
Will update A.S.A.P on the artworks and I'll reveal the big project..hopefully soon enough XD
Till then, じや *ワ*