
~ My happiness is your S.T.Y.L.E ~

I was going to post this few days earlier since I've got nothing (artwork progress) to show. But then I remember saying something like 'I've posted nothing in the Yukkuri section other than Nyan Cat related stuffs', now that's a mouth full.

Well the problem is I rarely surf or find random stuffs the internet that's 'interesting' and 'funny'. Thus the blog was left as it is. Now, I don't care much if my 'Yukkuri ne~~~' section is filled with Nyan-Cat jokes, but I'll try not to. XD
So I'm just going to post what is I find appropriate for this subject regardless it being repetitive or not.


Well 'today's' Yukkuri is about a certain cat that will clutter your screen...

Since I got nothing to do I tried this nifty trick that my friend got from 9gag (I think).
This trick works on almost any site but not sure about those you'd have to 'log on'.
All I can say that it WILL fill up your screen one way or another. And what do I mean you ask, try it out for yourself and see it yourself.

Simple guideline:
Just choose the website you want to Nyan;
eg; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
then just input ' http://nyanit.com/ ' before the site URL, like so
eg; http://nyanit.com/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

Well, Happy Yukkuring ~R90~


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Who Am I?

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Hello. Just to let you know I am a G.I.R.L., which stands for 'Guy In Real Life'. XD (I'm serious.)
If you're wondering what does S.T.Y.L.E. means, then you're out of luck. Because I'm not telling ANYONE what it means. >D
But I can tell this, R90 is my initials. :D
That's all, see ya.
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