
~ My happiness is your S.T.Y.L.E ~

Hey there blog readers it's been a while.
I do apologize for not updating anything on my blog. Why do I apologize is because I personally was too lazy to post up or did any work for the last couple of weeks. After going on that one week trip, I was driven far away from the internet world. And two weeks after, I was pretty much inactive with all things online.

Also I took the two weeks time as a break from my drawing activities. Felt like doing something else which I did.

I was caught up in this one particular game, which was perfect timing, that was moderate... I mean highly addictive. XD
It was a simple straight forward game but had much to offer. Multiplayer was an option and with that, got me hung on to 'that' game for quite some time. Officially, my mind was set in gaming mode. *ワ*

So two weeks just flew by (minus one week holiday). Two weeks playing the same game. And within the two weeks, starts my second semester and now it's already third week. Doesn't sound like a good start XD

The bad news is that once I'm stuck with one game (especially multiplayer) that's addictive~ly awesome, it goes on ~straight~ for some time.
Good news, I then get bored with it easily and able to move on doing other stuff like work and so on. Though it might take minimum a week playing of it but I won't be coming back to it for a while *ワ*

So three weeks pass for this blog, thought of posting something out saying that this blog IS still ALIVE ~ XD. More artworks soon to come and about making some minor adjustment to this blog is also underway. My next post will probably be a double post one on artwork updates. And another one is a yukkuri moment about me a reviewing (or blabbering) previous games I've played. And also about 'this' new game that I was caught up (still probably am) ^-^
I'm going to review memorable games that I've played, not ALL of them. Adding a bit of variety for this blog.

Next post will probably come in a couple of weeks, maybe. See ya in a couple of weeks *ワ* ~R90


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Who Am I?

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Hello. Just to let you know I am a G.I.R.L., which stands for 'Guy In Real Life'. XD (I'm serious.)
If you're wondering what does S.T.Y.L.E. means, then you're out of luck. Because I'm not telling ANYONE what it means. >D
But I can tell this, R90 is my initials. :D
That's all, see ya.
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