It's been a while since my last update, and I know I said I'd update soon, sorry for this long delay. Let's not delay anymore and get on with the updates *ワ*
First up is this character. I believe she was my 3rd or 5th officially original character. I come to love 'tsundere' characters, don't know but there's something to it that makes me attracted to them XD Well here she is:Name: Cathylia, Full name - unknown
Type: Tsundere (of course)
This wasn't my first attempt at drawing her. Her age is somewhere around 18 ~ 20 years. My first attempt at drawing her was that her hair had too many curls. Had to remove some for ease of drawing XD
Next up is doodlings in SAIJust did a character drawing based on the many painting software that I'm familiar with. There's actually many more but I just wanted to focus on these two.
The winning posing here is Sai-Tan and PS-Tan just doesn't stand a chance
This is however in my opinion, please don't take it seriously XD
And below, these artworks were made for my 'Storyboard : Digital artwork' portfolio.Thank goodness my hobby was doing digital artwork, that made things a lot easier. I had finish 4 at the moment and needed 1 more to complete it. Well I've shown you 4 out of 5 of these characters and 3 out of 4 I've introduced. Only 2 more characters here which I haven't introduce, yet. The girl behind, top right (black hair) is actually shown on the banner - she is on the far right side.
I'll get to those two later, there's still a lot more to go through and finish off. And there's a better version, drawing of those two, that I'll be showing it to you guys. So it's worth waiting. ;D
Also last but not least is this little manga project that we've (me and my collage friends) been working on.This project was once abandon due to some 'apocalyptic' circumstances XD But mostly because I failed to finish the first chapter which I had previously promised to do. Well that was back then ~2009 and now it's 2011. Finished it and ready to be continued, yes I fail at deadlines XD
But since we established this sort of company/club thing, I brought back this project up and hopefully continue it.
Owh yea, why it's called the 'Project 1000 or 1K' manga was that we plan on making a full story manga where Each chapter is made by different individuals. Storyline is up to you as well as your drawing styles. Limitations are that you can't do more than 1 chapter and that it's about 10 to 15 pages long. You can't kill the main character (Please don't) and that's about it.
And you have to continue from the part the manga ended off (no spin-offs or sidetracks please XD).
You can view more on 'my D.A. account'. <-- Link
Currently this project is still in beta and not yet ready to be released to the public. This is so that we will be able to construct a well laid out rules and regulation to make this project more fun and successful. Hopefully it'll be released to the public and I'll announce it when it's ready. ;D
That's about it for today. This have been a major update since it's been has a while. *ワ*
I posted two new topics for you to read. This one and another one is about me rambling on what I did for my previous semester which I had just recently finished.
Have fun reading it (if you want to). Nonetheless have a great day ~R90
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