For this post I'd like to share with you guys on what I've been doing for my previous, just recently ended semester.
I took two subject for my last semester, planned on taking 3 but sadly there was a problem in terms of schedule clash. Still it was a good call as the previous semester only lasted for 8 weeks and yes it was hassle to finish up 2 major assignments for both of my class. Fortunately for this semester there was no final exam for me so, I could return home early *ワ*
The two classes that I took was, my majoring that is to say Virtual Reality. And the other one that went quite well and was more fun was Storyboard.
Well I'm gonna start off with Virtual reality. If you're interested to know about my Storyboard class, scroll down till you see the 'Storyboard banner'

For my majoring subject this time we had to create a somewhat of an edutainment game, I don't really get it to. But in the end most of us end up making games with 50% to none, educational information. I guess these things happen when the lecturer fails to give out the project brief, yes. ~_~
We derive from our goals and apparently the ones marking us, 'sadly', also has forgotten the main point of the project. *ワ*
Well I have to say that making a 3D game, tough but also sometimes fun, sometimes. XD But most important the game runs quite well and we achieve our goal in making a complete, playable game. And that was satisfying ;D
Other than our lecture forgot to give out the project brief there is something else that was done totally new when this project/assignment was given. It was the first time that we were made to work in pairs. And working in pairs, really saved us especially when having to do a big task within a short amount of time.

A random screen cap while modeling. Why so random was because when I was checking out the time it was 1:04am which was on 1st of April. Just coincidental fun *ワ*
And let me tell you guys something very important, playing games is easy. Even if certain games are hard to play, it's not as hard as to create one especially form scratch. From modeling, textures to scripting, nothing's easy. Well mostly scripting that's because we were taught to design and none of the coding stuffs.
But enough about that let's move on to the game ... *ワ*

This is the game we made. A game collaboration, me and Rex (nickname) here did. But I got to give out a really big thanks to Rex for making the game work and I'd say the environment is also mostly done by him and yea, really like to thank him a lot into making this project a success. This game will be kept under our safe keep and will never be released to the public. XD -Trust me, we're saving you from this horror XD-
The game is simply about learning stuffs being around in a playroom. What are their purposes and so on. The info you get from these items will give you a hint about where a puzzle piece is hidden.
And to actually win the game is by collecting 6 puzzle pieces scattered and hidden around the room.
By collecting them all you'll activate the stairs for you to hit the sealed off red button and bringing you to your victory.
It's not much, simple graphics and not much sound. Not an interesting concept much but hey, at least it works.
Lecturers comments:
Too much info, environment okay.
Well the info part, I couldn't simplify it anymore than what it is. And that probably because they forgot to print out the project brief, I guess they forgot that it was supposed to be informative.
Okay, okay. I'll stop the rant ~ trolling, whatever. XD
Moving on to Storyboard...

As for the Storyboard class, it was very interesting, meaningful and unforgettable. I really had fun with the class. The stuff that was taught to us was techniques on how to draw, render better and was about creating storyboard. Well actually designing it so that we can clearly present our storyboard to others.
The class is straight forward, everything according to plan.
Our first task was to make up a story and fill up the 6 panels, creating our first storyboard. The lecturer wanted to see how we initially present our ideas and a bit on drawing skills.
Pretty lame story but gimme a break. We had to came up a story by surprise on that day, on the spot. We had, I thinking it was about 2 hours (probably) and I used up 1 hour and 30 minutes to come up with a story. 30 minutes to draw it out which wasn't enough (even though simple) and ended up being quite sloppy. But at least the lecturer got my story right. ^-^
The classes went on by studying drawing techniques and so on. For our 'exam' we were given a task to come up with another story. It was pretty much the same thing done for our first task.
The goal was this time for the student what he or she had learned from the class and apply it the storyboard. Sadly to say my story doesn't or can't quite apply the techniques shown and end up being a normal storyboard. The task was briefed a week ago giving us plenty of time to get ready.It didn't matter whether you wanted to bring your finished storyboard on that day because you then had to redraw it before submitting anyway. The important thing is its originality. And as for the assignment submission, we were told to create an anamatic. It's practically the same as stop-motion animation and if you don't know what this is then go Google it XD
I did an early start on this assignment and I presume that what was called anamatics is actually another term for animation. Thus why I ended up making an animation instead. The lecturer said if so then you get bonus marks because it's an animation. My expression = *ワ*Well that's sums it up for my previous semester and I got to say, this is 'A LOT'. If you went through reading the whole thing than I thank you, for spending your time reading some random guy's ramble about his life ~ XDThough I do appreciate it.
I will probably post the end product for the animation, not the game XD some time soon, perhaps ;D
But as for the digital drawings that I've done for my storyboard portfolio is shown in the above post of DiArts.
Well that's all I gotta say. See you next time ~R90