Today's Yukkuri ne~ is
Playing RO (Ragnarok Online) at the start point of this semester.
Well my hands were exhausted from all that cleaning work I had to go through (with some of my members) and in need of a few resting 'session?'.
Finally the gang is back, no solo-ing'. And this time since the whole party is here, we thought of roughing it in the 'Endless Tower'.
Was a tough fight but we made it to level 80 before everyone started going off to bed. At least this time we made a new record reaching level 80 XD. We're not pros but having fun doesn't hurt either and this time we made progress. And we were one member short. If it wasn't for the fact we were all feeling tired I think we could've progress a higher before reaching mr.bee XD
Anyway the screenshot below was taken on floor 70+ (Don't remember @_@). But I do remember at that floor there was a lot of Margeratha Sorin and boy it was one heck of a fight.
The last Margeratha Sorin we all pitched in, get our hands dirty and pummel her down melee style XD
~Yukkuriii じやね~ :D
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