It's been many days since I post an update ~_~
I really gotta lay off the games.
That's right, for the past few days I've been doing nothing much but playing 'a' game. Yea only one game and that's Pokemon XD
Gotta hand it to you, PKMN White on NDS sure is addicting XD (like all the previous versions are, addicting).
The PKMN design is not that amusing (to me), but the play factor is there. Well enough about me blabbering about the game, this section was meant to show my updated Digital Artworks :DIt took about 2 days and today it's finally finish for the basic coloring of these two.
Two new character currently under development. On the left is Mirayu and on the right is Ishi.
I've got another drawing with a complete line art, but I'll keep it for the upcoming post...^-^
'He' is done. Who is he is yet unknown (even by the author XD)
One thing is confirmed about him, is that he is one of the top 5 mischievous people who would want to sabotage the entire world.
What you're seeing is actually the Yokai version of the real host. The host at the moment was headless XD. Yea, not gonna leave it that way *ワ*
The host isn't that much appealing as how the yokai looks like, well at least to me it's not :D
This is the first monstrous digital drawing I've done. I'm quite satisfied with the end result. *ワ*
Drawing him was quite a hoot, a lot of details were drawn on him. But I enjoyed it. Not very tiring and wasn't at all stressful XD
Late update ~ Again *ワ*
2 more drawings that are now digital~ized in Sai
Alluvia Completed on 5th of March, screenshot shows her bell incomplete :P
Drawing her was a breeze, only few modifications were made. She was one of my many drawings that I was satisfied with the end result.
And also...
Mary, Version 1 - before she was given a specific character role. Drawing her was a pain. The main reason was that because the she was hand drawn 45 degree angle, which really made the drawing out of proportion. Noobish attempt XD. anyway she was corrected digitally.
She was completed on 10th of March and modified on 11th of March.
Well as you all know already there has been a giant earthquake near Japan, as they were prepared for earthquake disasters their biggest problem have yet to come. They were soon be struck down by massive waves, tsunami. What I read from the internet was that little as hundreds died from this disaster and if not hundreds then thousands.
I've known this shocking news since yesterday via internet. I rarely watch the TV nowadays and at that current moment there was no TV.
So I would like to say I'm very sorry for your lost and always keep your hopes up for a better brighter day. And as for those who survived, be grateful and try to help those in need.
I know there's not much to say here but I really wish that all the victims would have a strong heart to face their days ahead. This is R90 signing of *-*v
Today's Yukkuri ne~ is
Playing RO (Ragnarok Online) at the start point of this semester.
Well my hands were exhausted from all that cleaning work I had to go through (with some of my members) and in need of a few resting 'session?'.
Finally the gang is back, no solo-ing'. And this time since the whole party is here, we thought of roughing it in the 'Endless Tower'.
Was a tough fight but we made it to level 80 before everyone started going off to bed. At least this time we made a new record reaching level 80 XD. We're not pros but having fun doesn't hurt either and this time we made progress. And we were one member short. If it wasn't for the fact we were all feeling tired I think we could've progress a higher before reaching mr.bee XD
Anyway the screenshot below was taken on floor 70+ (Don't remember @_@). But I do remember at that floor there was a lot of Margeratha Sorin and boy it was one heck of a fight.
The last Margeratha Sorin we all pitched in, get our hands dirty and pummel her down melee style XD
~Yukkuriii じやね~ :D
Well It's been a few days after I've completed it. Better late then never.
Here's the Drawing that I've posted earlier...
Well the scene is fully lined out. This is the second screen shot taken, the time and date is a bit off.
And this is my latest work, at that time. Yea, 5 days ago and by this time today you may think I've gotten a few more done right? Well I did but will show their faces much-much later ;D
As for now Azelia (First release XD) was born on 3rd March 2011 \(^o^)/
Well she was finished on that day, but the scene (her friends) was done 1 or 2 days after.
Today is the first day of my short semester, but my first class is on Tuesday. So I've been thinking of cleaning up the house (few sectors only XD)
Phase 1 is complete, I can finally view my reflection on the bathroom floor XD
Don't know if that's good or not. Anyway, since I'm starting a new semester,I'll have lettle time to work on my drawings T-T
But I'll manage it somehow :D (Let's hope for it)
Didn't know cleaning could be a dangerous activity, don't know how it happened but got a few cuts. My skin is peeling off XD
Well tomorrow will be phase 2, the fridge O-O, I've got a feeling it's gonna be one heck of a dirty job. Digging out 'abandon' foods XD
Don't worry all of it is gonna be taken care off ;D
Will post my work progress later, till then じやな~ (bye)
Owh man, finally I'm almost finished with her looong hair strains. It was a stressful nigh....ehh, morning already ~__~, well it's finally done, well the screen cap was taken a bit earlier XDMy 3rd OC, not going to reveal her yet, but in time I will >D
If you can see that purple clock, that's the truth 1st March my lady, you're base line is finally done ~_~