Coloring, a weakness of mine and still is. I'm still trying out various coloring techniques and figuring out the correct (or suitable) color scheme / tone as well as getting the lighting and shading right.
I started off by coloring everything 'solid', one color for one layer and no blending effect. Just including the base color, darker tone for shade and a lighter one for well, lighting. I'm not too fond of the whole blending effect kind of coloring due to several reasons that's
waaay to long for me to explain.

W.I.P post here-
This was done in 2011
And this year around, am playing around more with colors but I only color doodles. I still don't have the guts to color other art piece fearing I'll mess them up and yes it's kind of a lame feeling

*Soaring high*-
The W.I.P post here-
I'm starting to venture out more with the tools Paint Tool Sai has to offer.
Finally I'm making full use of the software, derp.' XD
Different style of shading, where it needs to be shaded and where not too. Not to mention testing out (using) different types of brushes, paper and other material effects. I'm still light years away before I could make something worthwhile I guess. Still it'd be great if there's someone who can teach or guide me, especially on lighting/shading and hopefully shortening the process and if not then that's just me
phailing. XD
Well back to work. Need to practice, practice, practice. And hopefully I'll be able to get over this fear of '
phailing' and color some of the actual artwork rather than these simple doodles, and get something up real soon. ~R90~