Hello once again audience,
when we left off I said I'd probably start blogging this March, and here it is.
--- If you get the reference above, you're awesome. ---
I did say something about blogging back this March (probably) and I did ... but you know all late and all. I'm terrible at keeping promises, hope I don't mess it up IRL as well. XD
Any who, I wouldn't say I'm terribly busy now but rather than I terribly don't have much time for myself. 'Recently' (actually few weeks past) I started working, you know the one where you'd have to go to the office and do stuffs. Thus why I said I have less time on my hands but thankfully the work stays within office hours only. And the works that I do mostly revolves around 3D stuffs, making games and ... stuffs ^ワ^
So since I've less time to myself to create or finish any of my drawings, I decided to do this thing called 'challenge drawing' where I'd have to draw something within 15 minutes.
Though I might not be able to do it everyday of the week but I'll try to do it every week and see how it goes.
And so I did one this week, thought of it a day before I started drawing though it still doesn't change the fact that it's still something totally random.

See you in the next post. R90~