Well today I'm not going to ramble much (hopefully) because I'm really, really caught up with some urgent matters that needs my serious attention.
And with that I'd like to make 2 announcement...
So the first announcement would be that I'll have to discard blogging activities for maybe few weeks. I'll probably start back...March maybe. Maybe late February but it's uncertain. But the reason why is because, like what I said due to important 'stuffs' I need to go through. Also explains why I haven't upload anything this month, and for the upcoming month. But only now the Hiatus status is announced XD ~(common problem with me, being late)~ (/~_~)/The second would be,
SOPA what now?!
And if you see this bill as a threat and want to do the right thing here's the a link to what you can do online: >.<
This is 'OPTIONAL', it's 100% up to you to do it or not. Though nothing major, just an global Internet blackout is all. ^_^
Again, I'm not telling anyone to join or not, but it'd be great if this bill didn't pass or the internet will never be the same again...
Well that's all for today, owh and this blog WILL SHUT DOWN as to strike against SOPA 5 hours or so after this post. And yes I'm against it, problem*. And will probably stay shut within for...a day perhaps. So yea, sorry for this sudden notice, but it has to be done in my opinion.
This post shall forever remain ... even if the bill has been passed for the last 'insert-counting-years-here' years ...

-This is R90 signing out-