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Had a bit of a trouble deciding whether to label this post under 'DiArts' or 'Sh'Out's', but seeing it now I talk more on what's going on rather than talking about the artwork being done, it was made clear to me that this should be posted under 'Sh'Out's'. ~(--)~
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Second message, and I meant to write it out days ago was that the problem of commenting on this blog, has been solved. Removed the dang CAPTCHA code thingy that had anyone who would want to comment had to write down the CAPTCHA code in the given, invisible box which made the process of commenting impossible to achieve.So I turned of CAPTCHA, but comments are to be approved first before showing to public so (hopefully) it won't be flooded with SPAMS. (`ー´)
Lastly, the reason why I left blogging for a while (without notice =_=) was because I had to focus on getting several digital drawings done. Including coloring'em and finally getting them out of the 'W.I.P. forever status' folder. XD
I'll share these 'two' art piece here on this blog, after this post. And yea, I hope to finish the other ones as well. Can't say it's an all out improvement, but I really see it being different then from how I once did coloring. Spent my time mostly on analyzing the coloring technique that I'm trying to achieve. With hope trying to finish my older art piece instead of making whole bunch of new ones. While also trying not to neglect this blog too long as well, I feel like blogging is very important to keep my writing skills top notched (maintained). Hate to loose my ability to write. ~_~
But yea I'll try to keep up the pace, before work starts coming in like crazy. Though when it does, I'll start sharing lots of 'Yukkuri' moments, to keep this blog running.
Well that's all I've got to say for today. Sorry for posting so long with no illustrations to help ease the reading eyes,
so here's a cookie ...

... And a poorly made one as well.
~.~ R90
Guess I can't do much today. Was too busy going about here and there. ~_~
Well, I did manage to doodle something for 10 minutes or so.
Was going to put this under DiArts but it's not DiArts material worthy, well to me the least. The next post I'll be making a rather 'funny' announcement. Something that has to do with my, and the blog's 'derpiness'. So yea, see you till then *ワ*リ ~R90~
Side note: And no, I do not 'IRL' sleep with a hat on. XD

(¬.¬)**mumbles about texturing**
Amusing as it may be, feeling stressed out is still there. All in all it was a balance, yet fun experience. Thanks all. I had a great time ヾ(*´∇`)ノ
Right now I'm just too dang tired and sadly, couldn't get anything done today. Well off to
bed. Nite nite (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜~R90~
I was thinking of inserting a doodle of myself here but since I couldn't find the time to do it, than I guess I'll try to include in the near future. Edit this and some of my previous post, just to get this blog towards a more illustrative one than just words, words and moar words. XD
And with this I end my message, hoping to see this blog soon as well as its readers.
~R90 signing off~
Testing out a new brush in SAI. Calling it the bushy brush XD
The brush was meant for drawing/painting plants and I guess fur effect, not sure @_@
Here's my first attempt using the brush, didn't know what to draw and chose a random cat.
Here's the original picture, (This wasn't taken or done by me. Original source unknown)
And the one I drew over it,
I guess I could say it's a good? start, but definitely not perfect or even that worthwhile. But hey, you got to start somewhere. ~R90~
Side Note: Once again, am failing at posting up new stuffs at least once a week, ~3~
Been real busy at work, too tired to do other stuffs after getting home and working is not that exciting anymore (or how it used to be). Pressure, been told to do the same (one) old work over and over again, it's driving me nuts. And am forced to not do other works ( -`д´)ノ (¬、¬) ... durr.
I started off by coloring everything 'solid', one color for one layer and no blending effect. Just including the base color, darker tone for shade and a lighter one for well, lighting. I'm not too fond of the whole blending effect kind of coloring due to several reasons that's waaay to long for me to explain.

This was done in 2011
And this year around, am playing around more with colors but I only color doodles. I still don't have the guts to color other art piece fearing I'll mess them up and yes it's kind of a lame feeling

-The W.I.P post here-
I'm starting to venture out more with the tools Paint Tool Sai has to offer.
'Finally I'm making full use of the software, derp.' XD
Different style of shading, where it needs to be shaded and where not too. Not to mention testing out (using) different types of brushes, paper and other material effects. I'm still light years away before I could make something worthwhile I guess. Still it'd be great if there's someone who can teach or guide me, especially on lighting/shading and hopefully shortening the process and if not then that's just me phailing. XD
Well back to work. Need to practice, practice, practice. And hopefully I'll be able to get over this fear of 'phailing' and color some of the actual artwork rather than these simple doodles, and get something up real soon. ~R90~
Credits goes to Youtube user CraftedMovie.
I'm just sharing it.
Minecraft, has sure come a long way ...
Yurkkuri ne~R90~
Hrmm I'm not doing much work at the moment (that is my real job)
... and as for my other artworks, not progressing a whole lot either ~_~
I really need to straighten things up and fast. Well at least I'm making random daily doodles, that apparently isn't uploaded here XD
But will, prolly' by this week and posting them in one go.
Now I focus more on coloring since I suck at it. XD
Including shading and lighting and to me, it's a brain teaser >_> ~R90~
Well yes am doodling. The least there's something to upload, better than nothing. I still can't find time to actually get some of the other works done. Though been meaning to finish them (at some point).
Been meaning to post this yesterday but delayed it due to several both technical (and non) difficulties. But I did manage to 'fix' some of my previous post (in terms of content, not grammar XD)
Anyway, this doodle is more on me testing out various drawing styles. Though the girl on the right is more of the 'I'm too lazy to draw 'nything much' style. XD
The left one is me trying out a cute (or not so), stylized/simplified drawing. Well I'm still trying to see which one works and adapt it as my own personal drawing technique.*ワ*
"As hot as hell could be,
there is a place deep in hell
that is, horribly spine shattering cold.
An unpleasant feeling, where the cold
will freeze every part of the body,
so cold that it shatters everything straight away."
Well that's all I've got to say with this one.
Believing with what I said is totally up to you.
Owh and this one was to try out coloring techniques/style, thus the weird pose XD
Edit: Done and here's the final outcome.

Last week was troublesome. I finally had the chance to finish up the artworks lying around ... everywhere.
But sadly things didn't go out as planned, I got sick and could barely move a muscle. Shivers @_@
And what's worse was even after I got back 'semi-healthy' something went wrong with SAI. Somehow SAI won't work with my tablet. @~@
GG my friend GG. Well I'm probably going to start posting stuffs up this week and hopefully get everything back on track.
So here's a fan-art of my friend's OC, Kabijju.
The lineart was done about a or two week/s ago. Didn't have time to color it but finally got to it yesterday.
I really do hope that I'm able to finish what I started this time (It is a fanart) XD
And when I do I'll post the final image here.
~R90 signing off~
Till then ~R90 signing off
Found a guy ... or girl commenting on the 'Kill Me Baby' op, wrote down the coordinates for Google Earth/Map (whatever) which leads to the actual location of the shot. Well that person actually wrote down frame/time of the video along with coordinates (had I assume after viewing what was presented on that exact time frame) so I had to check it if what I think (or he said) was true. And to my surprise, it was and here it is...
--- If you get the reference above, you're awesome. ---
I did say something about blogging back this March (probably) and I did ... but you know all late and all. I'm terrible at keeping promises, hope I don't mess it up IRL as well. XD
Any who, I wouldn't say I'm terribly busy now but rather than I terribly don't have much time for myself. 'Recently' (actually few weeks past) I started working, you know the one where you'd have to go to the office and do stuffs. Thus why I said I have less time on my hands but thankfully the work stays within office hours only. And the works that I do mostly revolves around 3D stuffs, making games and ... stuffs ^ワ^
So since I've less time to myself to create or finish any of my drawings, I decided to do this thing called 'challenge drawing' where I'd have to draw something within 15 minutes.
Though I might not be able to do it everyday of the week but I'll try to do it every week and see how it goes.
And so I did one this week, thought of it a day before I started drawing though it still doesn't change the fact that it's still something totally random.

See you in the next post. R90~
Well today I'm not going to ramble much (hopefully) because I'm really, really caught up with some urgent matters that needs my serious attention.
The second would be,
SOPA what now?!
And if you see this bill as a threat and want to do the right thing here's the a link to what you can do online: >.<
This is 'OPTIONAL', it's 100% up to you to do it or not. Though nothing major, just an global Internet blackout is all. ^_^
Again, I'm not telling anyone to join or not, but it'd be great if this bill didn't pass or the internet will never be the same again...
Well that's all for today, owh and this blog WILL SHUT DOWN as to strike against SOPA 5 hours or so after this post. And yes I'm against it, problem*. And will probably stay shut within for...a day perhaps. So yea, sorry for this sudden notice, but it has to be done in my opinion.
This post shall forever remain ... even if the bill has been passed for the last 'insert-counting-years-here' years ...

-This is R90 signing out-