Hello blog, long time no see ... left you in an abyss for quite a while XD
Sorry couldn't keep up with the blogging habit. My mind was so far away from blogs. That and I had nothing to write.
But today, I've got a little something to share and though it's a bit late, I'm still going to write about it. Last Friday, went out with some of old buds of mine. Hanging out on a typical boring Friday. Nothing special. Then someone from the group suggested watch a movie. I'm not totally in to seeing a movie but since I do rarely get to (even) 'meet' up with them (not to mention hangout) ... so why not. We randomly picked out a movie to watch, something with action and less dramatic. Till then I just realized, today was the 'o so epic' (where planets line up kind of epic-ness) ... day of, 11.11.11. Yay! <- (sarcastically cheering)
*Disclaimer: (Non of us did actually plan on going anywhere on that particular day. It was a totally random and spontaneous act. ~_~)*
*Disclaimer: (Non of us did actually plan on going anywhere on that particular day. It was a totally random and spontaneous act. ~_~)*
Then I had made a hunch that 'Puss in Boots', would probably went on today. But nope, I was wrong. It came to our agreement that we would watch the Adventures of Tin Tin since it was something we we're familiar with. I, was also bound to watch this movie anytime soon and it happened to be released on that fateful day so we went on with it.

Picture taken from: (Link)
Anyway, won't give any spoilers, so no need to worry. \(>.o)/
Just gonna say that this movie was indeed enjoyable. First I'd have to say the 3D animation as always, well done.When I first saw the trailer for this movies, I thought it was actually a 'live action' movie.
Had me fooled there.Realized and convinced it was 3D when I notice the stylization like they've used for the series. XP
Had me fooled there.Realized and convinced it was 3D when I notice the stylization like they've used for the series. XP
Owh and watching the trailer itself, made no sense to me. I thought this movie was going to be about some weird fantasy dream world and not about solving cases like how would Tin Tin (series) used to do. But then again, the movie made sense and nothing out of the ordinary I'd say. The existence of goofy acting characters and their weird way of going about is still there. They're the ones that will make you laugh throughout the movie. *ワ*
And just like the series, the movie also had share of good humor moments (some of the characters were funny as hell when dealing with the situation) and threatening serious one to. The story had a good mixture like how the series went off with. At least that's how I remembered it when I was a kid (ages ago ~.~). Could be different if I watch the series again now though.
Anyway I had fun watching it, kind of brings back nostalgic memories.
Overall it was a good movie and I wouldn't say I'm a big fan of Tin Tin but whoever loved watching Tin Tin (I suggest, guessing) you 'd definitely want to see this movie. 1 complaint though, I felt the starting of the movie was a bit rushing where everything just starts happening around too fast for an intro. Well what can you expect, 2 hours to cramp a whole story may not be long enough for lo~ong explanation thinking.And this marks the end for this post. When am I going to post something up again, who knows. Only time will tell. But I'll try to put something to not this blog be gone into the abyss ... again XD
Till then, R90 Signing out!