It's good to have a nice relaxing moment, drifting off to ease your (mine actually XD) mind. Well watch out for 'Yukkuri ne~~~' moments for post entitled as so. Just a bit of info, 'Yukkuri ne~~~' (without the '~~~') means to take it easy or slowly. Originated by Touhou (not explaing, google it XD) fans by using symbols and letter to make up an image and with a catchphrase 'Yukkuri ne shitte' and later was caught off really fast in the net world. It is to show calmness, to tell others to chill out or just to annoy them telling that I've got more free time than you XD Anyway this 'Yukkuri ne~~~' section I'll be posting about low info or other (probably lol) things I've been doing besides tracking down the works I've done. Like these images...<-- If you know Naruto, you'll definitely know this. Now I won't be posting entirely about 'anime' stuff.
I'll probably post something that randomly Lol me on that specific day. Ok here's an example of something to (lol, relax or) whatever way you might want to put your mind to it. Tags:
Annoying orange, youtube
Now the last I want to say is that all the images are not originally done by me for this section. Maybe a few (in the future) will be mine but I will not state them out directly.
Conclusion that most artworks presented for this section belongs to their respective owners and I'm just here to spread their joy XD
Owh and my comments on this is that it's well annoyingly done, but it still brings in the lol factor, to me that is XD ~Happy Yukkuring~
Don’t worry, me or any of my links are not dead :P
S.T.Y.L.E.R90 past times, currently and will still be on Hiatus/hibernating (or anything you’d want to call it XP). My time is too preoccupied with various educational/compulsory activity or junk ones (Not intended, but really hate when it happens ~_~). Recently, I’ve been avoiding the online community because I’ve made a promise that after many of my artworks are done, I’ll start being active again. I’m sorry for not/very late replying to whatever/anyone has sent me over the past days. And now I will clearly state that S.T.Y.L.E.R90 is on hiatus and still be (maybe) a bit longer. I’ve made that promise and I’m going to accomplish it first. I’ve been meaning to expand my online community just like in real life. But until I finish most of the artworks, till then I won’t be entering the online community. Sorry for the inconvenience and my very rude attitude towards abandoning everything without a reason. But rest assure that I will update the status A.S.A.P. When everything is done, original post and new updates will be put up, immediate (if not A.S.A.P) replies will be made and add other things that were intended to do. For the time being (until next update), some post/info about me will be taken off for editing, replies are to be made now and further explanation shall be given when I’m back online. I know I’m nothing much compared to anyone and my upcoming works aren’t that grand but I thought I’d just let you guys know, if anyone cared :D
This is R90, signing off ^_^
So wanna be famous, written by someone who is infamous
1)More people, higher chances, contacts.
Getting to know more people is one way you can advertise yourself and your profession. Even if they are your friends. If you let them know what you do, maybe 'their' friends will be interested in what you do. And this goes on.
2)Show your stuff, publicity.
You get what I mean right, urmm not that XD
Show people what you can do. Show your talent, it's a way to them that 'you got talent' <- is what my a friend of mine would always say, even if he's joking @ワ@
3) Do it
You think you can do it then make it so. Whether it'd be making videos or drawing, make some even if they look horrible. Publishing'em is up to you. Remember to practice and never give up. Last but not least, get feedback, critiques. Learn from your mistakes, apply the techniques taught by others but if you're going for your own style of work then at least learn what basically what people would want to see rather than just pleasing your own needs.
So there you go, so friendly short simple tips on how to be famous, well at least a small step to it.
Remember I'm not someone famous so don't take this as a 100% guarantee being famous guide or anything. XD