This is my first time trying to digitize my artworks. So be easy on me XD
What I've got to sya here is that this is not my first time holding/using a tablet. But it IS my first time doing an actual digital artwork done not for doodling purposes. I started out by using Photoshop CS4, drawing each chara. Owh and this was my first work in digital form that start from scratch, it went from doodling to perfecting the lines and looks like how it is now.
When the lines were finalized, the moment finally came...coloring T-T. I'm not good at coloring and don't grow to like it as much as drawing. I like to see but not do colors XD. Anyway I went on with coloring and tried it with a new software that was introduced to me randomly by random people *ワ*
And that was Paint Tool Sai...
From the beginning this software caught my eyes and glued it on to it b'coz It was simple, simple, simple :D What caught me was that there tools and all their functions wasn't as much as how PS was and that made me less confused on what/when/how to use something
but enough about reviewing the software, here's the artwork that I'm working on...
Well as you can see, I'm clearly not done with it yet (=_=) due to frequent things that pop into mind and distracts me from my work (Here we go again @_@).
But in due time I WILL, hopefully....maybe finish it XD
Anyways I think I'm gonna stick with Paint Tool Sai, after all it has the words 'Paint Tool' in it and I'm sure it's more suitable to use for painting :p
But I'm not here to judge, that was just an opinion :D
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